Monday, November 12, 2012

That "Love Thy Neighbor" thing . . . I meant that. - GOD

It has been several weeks since Hurricane Sandy hit the eastern seaboard, causing much talked about but still hard to imagine and comprehend destruction.  In the aftermath of the incomprehensible rage that left behind insanity, something so much more powerful than the tempest appeared: the empowering human spirit that knows how to rise up and push forward to advance our human condition.  Call it what you want - but know it stems from the goodness each person has within - and it can be seen everywhere here in the New York metropolitan area and around the country.

Each day, as I try to play a humble role in helping others here, I see first-hand people from all walks of life banding together to assist those who felt the wrath of the perfect storm.

It is times such as this when we are reminded to the true capability of mankind, and, as demonstrated by our failures and faults, the need to do better.  Much better.

* * *

Yesterday was a meaningful day for Maria and I: we spent part of the day at a synagogue in Brooklyn helping load supplies and food onto trucks that were headed to the Queens peninsula.

We were amongst a diverse group of New Yorkers simply trying to help those in need.  And once again, I was reminded just how special it is to know the true meaning of being a New Yorker: to celebrate our differences and weave them together into the beauty that is the spirit of this magnificent city.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Какая организация пожертвовать, чтобы ураган Сэнди рельеф - католических благотворительных делает гигантские воздействия

На прошлой неделе, многие из нас играли нашей части лучшее, мы можем помочь тем, кто сильно затронуты ураганом Сэнди.

Многие из моих друзей и читателей со всего мира написали мне, спрашивая, как они могут помочь, и кто наиболее нуждается в помощи.

С моей точки зрения очевидно, все пострадавших нуждается в помощи; Однако есть несколько групп, которые может понадобиться наиболее помощь. Они включают:

1. Незарегистрированных жителей. Многие из этих лиц, живущих в районе Нью-Йорка имеют малолетних детей.

2. Жители, которые арендуют. Многие из этих лиц, включая большое количество семей с детьми, не получают помощи и чрезвычайной помощи, которой они нуждаются, особенно поскольку они не имеют страховки.

В попытке определить, какие организации, которые могут быть лучше всего оказывать поддержку, я пришел к выводу, что католических благотворительных будет моя первая рекомендация, чтобы дать поддержку. Просьба рассмотрите посетив их сайт или позвонив непосредственно в 718-722-6202.

Вот почему:

В настоящее время они работают в некоторых из наиболее пострадавших районов урагана Сэнди - означает, что они находятся на переднем крае battleline.
Мысль, они являются «Католических благотворительных», они не считают религиозные убеждения при оказании помощи: они помогают каждому.
Они были вокруг очень долгое время и имеют огромную репутацию помогать другим.

Очевидно, что финансовая пожертвования имеют важное значение и могут быть отправлены непосредственно в католических благотворительных организаций, посетив их сайт или по телефону 718-722-6202.

Что касается поставок это то, что они ищут прямо сейчас:

Новые спальные мешки и одеяла
Baby Daipers
Детские формулы и консервов
Носки для детей и взрослых
Белье для детей и взрослых
Фонари и лазеры и батареи
Моющие средства
Арахисовое масло
Банки тунца
Пальто и куртки
Перчатки и шляпы
Плащ от дождя

Большой продукт пожертвование Примечание: Если вы являетесь, группы или организации, которые могли бы иметь возможность отправить большой запас этих предметов, я предлагаю, направить их на центр распределения Центральной католических благотворительных организаций, который так бывает в Рокуэй, Квинс, которая является одной из областей, наиболее пострадавших от урагана Сэнди.

Адрес центра Центральной распределения Исполняющий обязанности является:

Святой Марии Звезда моря прихода
1920 Ave Нью-Хейвен
Дальний Рокуэй, Нью-Йорк 11691
* Человек отвечает за распределение является г-н Шелдон Питерс. Он может быть достигнуто на 347-585-7734.

Другие места, вы можете отправить поставок:

В Бруклине:

Пресвятой Девы Марии Благовещения
98 Ричардс улица
Бруклин, NY 11231

Храм церковь нашей Леди Милосердия
2866 Западная 17 улица
Бруклин, Нью-Йорк 11224

В Квинсе:

Церковь Святой Елены
восемьдесят третья улица 157-10
Говард Бич, Нью-Йорк 11414

В Стейтен-Айленде

Католических благотворительных организаций
120 Андерсон проспект
Стейтен Айленд, NY 10202
Номер телефона: 347-447-6330

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Illegal Immigrants Need Help Due To Hurricane Sandy

We Can't Forget About Anyone - Hurricane Sandy And Undocumented Residents

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy and the ensuing winter storm that is hitting the New York - New Jersey metropolitan area, there is an alarming concern that is growing regarding the safety and well-being of New York residents who were living here in an 'undocumented status' - in another words, they were illegal immigrants - and many of them have been deeply affected and devastated by Hurricane Sandy.

This is not the time to lodge any debate over your belief on whether human beings devastated by this horrific storm should be in the country or not.   

The only thing to remember is that these people - the vast majority trying to build a better life for themselves and their family - have been dramatically hit by the storm and nearly  all of them do not have any safety net such as close-by family, job-related benefits and property insurance.  And they generally have limited financial resources available. 

I am by no means minimizing the difficulties American nations are facing - but this is New York - the amazing place it is because it is made up of immigrants.  And regardless of immigration status - our great city runs as the greatest city in the world because in part of all of our residents.

So today, keep in mind that there are many individuals - similar to 9-11 - who are going to not receive the help and assistance they really need.  And many of these individuals that will fall through the cracks will be the undocumented residents that amongst many things man our restaurants, that tend to our gardens and homes, and most of all, add to the social and cultural vitality that makes New Yorkers global citizens. 

One thing to remember: many of these individuals have young families.  They really need your help.

If you are an 'undocumented resident' and need help, please contact FEMA as they are providing assistance for EVERYONE regardless of residence status.  Also the Red Cross is helping EVERYONE regardless of residence status.  Contact Catholic Charities - you do not need to be Catholic to get help from them - they help everyone equally.  Also, your local churches, synagogues, and mosques are helping EVERYONE regardless of residence status.  Do not be concerned about anything else - these organizations are really only trying to help and are not concerned about anything else.

And to those who are trying to help - remember, many will fall through the cracks.  Your help is so important!

So if you can help in your own way - do so. Now I s The Time To Get involved!

Here are a few important suggestions on how you can do so.

1.  Contact your local church and ask them specifically what type of outreach and assistance they have for all Sandy victims.  Make sure you also ask that they are doing to help undocumented residents and how you can help.  If they have no programs in place to assist Hurricane Sandy victims, consider creating one, or contact a church, synagogue or mosque close by and ask what they're doing. 

2.  Contact any of your local community clubs and organizations such as your local Rotary or Lions Club and ask them what they are doing to help undocumented residents and how you can help. 

3. Contact the leadership of your local schools, or schools in urban areas that have been impacted by the storm, and ask the school's leadership  what they are doing to help undocumented residents and how you can help.

4.  Contact your local hospital's social services department.  Inquire if they are familiar with any cases where a person or family does not have the ability of obtaining assistance (meaning they are undocumented) and ask how you may help.

5.  Contact Catholic Charities and inquire from each one of these offices what they are specifically doing to help undocumented workers and how can you help. I have found Catholic Charities to be resourceful and able to make an impact at the very local level, which is important. 

7.  Some hotels such as Marriott are allowing you to donate your hotel points to the Red Cross without charge.  In turn, the Red Cross is providing shelter in part at hotels such as Marriott for those in need. 

Conversely, if you are an individual living in the New York area without updated or official papers in need of help due to Hurricane Sandy, please know first and foremost that we are a city of immigrants and as a city of immigrants New Yorkers care about one another.  

Make sure you contact FEMA and the organizations listed above in 1-7, including your local church, synagogue, or mosque and ask how they can provide help to you and your family.  

Help is out there.  There are many people who are willing and eager to help those in need.

Remember everyone - we are all in this together.  Acts of humanity and kindness are blind to naturalization papers, religion, color, or religion.  

Please help wherever you can.  And if anyone has any other suggestions or ideas on how we may help, please right to me directly at 

Executive Director

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Weird Video Footage Of Hurricane Sandy

Out at Riis Park, Queens New York

People do the strangest of things during times of chaos.  And Bitch Sandy sure brought on more than her fair share of hardship, struggle, irrational behavior - while also bringing out her fair share of idiots.  .

Check out this video compilation for yourself - seriously ... none of this was done on a green screen over at Kaufman, Silver Cup, Chelsea, or Steiner studios.  

Best-selling author and I CARE Foundation
Founding Director Peter Thomas Senese
One last thing: I have announced that I am donating 100% of all my revenue generated from my various international legal thrillers to help those impacted by Hurricane Sandy: 

If you're in the areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy, please be safe out there.  And wherever you are, if you have the ability of helping those who have been affected, please do.

Kind wishes to all - 

Peter Thomas Senese
Best-Selling Author
Founding Director - I CARE Foundation

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Photos of Breezy Point and Long Beach - Hurricane Sandy

Over the past few days I have had the opportunity to spend time in some of New York's most severly hit areas connected to Hurricane Sandy.

Let me make this clear:  Sandy is a Bitch.

The devastation that has occurred in Breezy Point, Riis Park, Rockaway, Long Beach and Gerritsan Beach is so much more than any words or photographs can ever express.

In the coming future these communities - which have been either completely wiped out, or severely crippled - will need great assistance.  Please keep an eye out on those organizations that are specifically being created for direct aid into these communities - as it is critical that aid gets to individuals in immediate despair.

Most of all, please keep all the individuals impacted by Hurricane Sandy in your prayers.  Many have lost their life, scores more have been injured, tens of thousands have lost their homes, and millions have been impacted.

Here are a few photographs I though worth sharing:

Breezy Point

Long Beach